Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A weight lifted off our shoulders

Blake and I had our first ultrasound on Monday. We were both so anxious all day...time seemed to be passing so slowly. When we finally headed to see our doctor we were both pretty quiet in the car. Our past experiences with ultrasounds haven't been the joyous moments one might anticipate, and the anxiety of going through that again was hitting me. Blake is such a rock for me, he was positive the whole time. I often wish I had his optimism.

Our doctor performed the ultrasound himself and I held my breath as he went searching for the baby. Within moments, there he or she was! I could have stared at the screen for hours...

We were so excited to see a steady heartbeat and that the baby is measuring right on.

While he or she does not look quite human yet :) we think he/she is pretty cute and it was an amazing experience.

The doctor told us that he was extremely pleased with everything that he saw and would put our risk of loss at this point at 1-2%. While from a medical perspective our doctor can say that, I know that God's plans dont always align with statistics. He gives and takes away and so we try very hard to be thankful for each day. 7 weeks down, 33 to go!

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