Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Reflecting on 2009

2009 has been quite a year...filled with highs and lows. I've experienced some of the greatest joys of my life along with the most painful lows. As we get packed up for Christmas and I hustle to tie up loose ends at work and cook different dishes and wrap gifts I was hit with a thought that brought me to complete stillness. Last year on this very day I was pregnant and didn't even know it yet. I was told that there would be times all throughout this first year when grief would hit me out of the blue...this was one of those times. We have so much joy and anticipation as we approach our due date, but as that date nears we also approach the one year anniversary of our loss. In fact, they are only 7 days apart. As I reflect on the past year and enjoy the squirms and wiggles of our expected baby, I also want to verbalize my love for our first baby. We will be better parents b/c of the way our lives have been changed. We have so much to be thankful and friends who we love very much. I am thankful for the love and support you have given us in 2009.

Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Loving the Holidays!

I have really been slacking on updating our blog! The holiday get-togethers and shopping have kept me busy! Time seems to be flying by, I can hardly believe we are in December already. Blake and I put up the Christmas tree and even did a little shopping last weekend. I wrapped some gifts and put them under the tree only to find that Tanner had eaten the tissue paper out of Phil's gift bag. I almost repackaged it, but then thought it was kind of cute and Phil would appreciate that Tanner chose his present to nibble on. I'm a little concerned about how Tanner is going to react to the baby-he has certainly been acting out lately and surprising me with his bad might be time to get the crate back out when we aren't home!

We had our 27 week doctor appointment yesterday. This picture is this baby's face from the side. Baby is looking up and you can see the outline of his/her nose and lips. Those lips look like Blake's! As of right now baby is head down and measuring right on. Heartrate was about 137. We have one more 4 week appointment and then we begin seeing Dr. Lorenc every two weeks. The anticipation and excitement are really building. I've purchased a few simple newborn onesies, but have had an extremely hard time finding neutral things that I like! Luckily we just need the essentials in the beginning :) I am very excited about our diaper bag...Lisa is ordering it for us with the baby's name embroidered, but we won't open the box until the baby arrives! How cool is that!? I opted for the same bag she has for her baby girls-she has such a wealth of knowledge about babies and what you need/dont need, what works and what doesn't-we are very thankful for her friendship and wisdom! I think it's about bed time for me. good night :)