Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like....

... a nursery! Our bedding was delivered this week and we LOVE it! Everything came together even better than we had imagined. I couldn't get a good picture of the entire room, but we also hung our matching memory board and some other decorations. I can't wait for our rocking chair and changing table! I'm still searching for a black & white polka dot area rug...seems like it would be a simple item to find, but I haven't seen anything I like. Luckily, we still have plenty of time to find the right one :)

At our last appt. (which was about a week and a half ago at 18 wks) the baby looked and sounded great! Dr. Lorenc said I am measuring right on, which was encouraging. At our next appt. on October 30 we have an 'official' ultrasound scheduled before our OB visit. This is our big one when the tech will take measurements and look for any abnormalities. ...pray that everything goes well!
This is a picture from our 18 week ultrasound. Baby's heart rate was between 147-150. During the ultrasound Dr. Lorenc had us look away and he found out the gender of our little one. It's so exciting to us that he knows but we don't! ...twenty more weeks and we'll get an awesome surprise!! I can hardly believe we are half way there :)

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