Friday, October 30, 2009

So much to be thankful for

Despite many days of rainy weather this week I can think of about a million reasons to give thanks. I had the opportunity to do some "fun, on-the-side" photography this week. On Tuesday I worked with a family of five. They were very cooperative considering it began raining right at the beginning of our session and never let up! Plus, they are pretty people, which makes my job easier :) Then on Thursday I took some fall pictures of Braxten, Morgan's 10 month old little boy. I have really enjoyed photographing him as he has grown this year! It's so neat chronicle children growing. I also met Heather and Gavin at Headwaters park for some pics in the leaves. So, even though work at the hospital has been slow, I have kept pretty busy!
I'm glad that there have been things to fill my time b/c Blake & I were anxiously awaiting today's Dr. appt. We had a formal ultrasound followed by a routine check-up with Dr. Lorenc. The ultrasound went extremely well. We had a great tech and I'll try to recall some of the stats here: baby weighs 1 lb 2 oz and my fluid is at 14. Heartrate was 144 and the cranial and spinal measurements were right on with dates. We looked away from the screen while the tech confirmed Dr. Lorenc's gender prediction, but they are keeping it a secret! She located all of the organs she was looking for, 4 chambers of the heart, toes and fingers....huge sigh of relief! I am so thankful and think it is such a miracle that we have had a healthy pregnancy so far. Each day is a blessing. The moments I enjoy most are in the stillness when I feel kung-fu practice going on in my stomach. Blake & I love to lay in bed at night with his hands on the baby and laugh at the kicks and "high-fives" we are given. Last night we were at my parent's house for dinner and my mom was able to feel a good kick too. Being pregnant is awesome! This is the best time of our lives and we anticipate even greater things to come! As soon as I get some of our ultrasound pictures scanned in, I will put them up.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

It's beginning to look a lot like....

... a nursery! Our bedding was delivered this week and we LOVE it! Everything came together even better than we had imagined. I couldn't get a good picture of the entire room, but we also hung our matching memory board and some other decorations. I can't wait for our rocking chair and changing table! I'm still searching for a black & white polka dot area rug...seems like it would be a simple item to find, but I haven't seen anything I like. Luckily, we still have plenty of time to find the right one :)

At our last appt. (which was about a week and a half ago at 18 wks) the baby looked and sounded great! Dr. Lorenc said I am measuring right on, which was encouraging. At our next appt. on October 30 we have an 'official' ultrasound scheduled before our OB visit. This is our big one when the tech will take measurements and look for any abnormalities. ...pray that everything goes well!
This is a picture from our 18 week ultrasound. Baby's heart rate was between 147-150. During the ultrasound Dr. Lorenc had us look away and he found out the gender of our little one. It's so exciting to us that he knows but we don't! ...twenty more weeks and we'll get an awesome surprise!! I can hardly believe we are half way there :)