Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Tiny Toes

Blake and I have been so blessed to have a doctor who really cares about us. Our first OB appt. is on Thursday, but yesterday our doctor stopped by my office and asked if we would like another ultrasound. Of course I said yes! So he told us to come by the office later in the day. It has been so neat to see the way the baby is developing and how quickly things change!
While the pictures don't show it, as he moved the ultrasound probe over my stomach we could clearly see facial features like eyes and the little nose. We could also see the cutest tiny toes and the bottom of a foot. At the beginning of the scan, baby was just laying there, but all of a sudden he/she started jumping around! It was the coolest thing I've ever seen! Blake and I were both stunned and laughing out loud. I can't wait until we can feel those kicks and acrobatics.
The baby's heart rate was 160, which is very strong. It has gone up slightly from 157 last week. As far as size goes, baby is a little over 1 inch long and weight 1/4 oz. I think I had better go order some Pizza King to help baby grow! (Pizza King has been my craving for the past few weeks, I literally have them on speed dial...who would have thought!)

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